The Secret to the Winner’s Circle

3 min readSep 12, 2020
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Even before being locked up in our own four walls we made it a habit to give away our power. We lost faith in our ability to be fulfilling all on our own. We need to remind ourselves, and often, that we are the important important things in our lives. We are stuck with ourselves our whole lives. So why make our own company miserable?

Affirmations I love

Affirmations can feel tacky. The truth is, they’re only tacky when they don’t speak to us. Affirmations fall firmly in the camp of “the more you put in, the more you get out”. It feels silly that repeating words to ourselves over and over would help solve anything. If we stop for a minute though, we realize, that’s how we could learn anything. How we learned to speak, to walk, to math, to anything. Via repetition, things get ingrained in our minds and become a part of who we are. So why not make it something we’re proud of, or something that makes us feel good?

Some of my personal favorites:

“I am not my circumstances”

“My words are my reality”

“I am worthy”

“I am unstoppable”

With a quick google search, we could find a million (easily) affirmations that work and that don’t. After a while, we come up with them all on our own.


It’s high time we take charge of the lives we’re leading instead of working on auto pilot. So much has already been stripped away from us because of this pandemic. We could use this time, this life change, to zero in on ourselves.

The reason we are how we are is because we want to be. When we need help, we need to ask for it. When we need comfort, we need to comfort ourselves. Everything that we need to grow is all around us, we just tend to make it sound harder than it is. We already have the potential support system around us. We already have the potential to live our dream lives.

What we will never do is be someone we’re not. We can’t live the life of others and we shouldn’t spend our days wishing we were someone else. The truth is they have their own pile of nightmare to deal with. We don’t know because we’re not them.

Luckily for us, we get to be us. Which is so underrated it’s laughable. We got this, with a little elbow grease we are well on our way to be our ideal selves.


Nobody could have expected that this is what the start of the decade had in store for us. It even seems to keep getting worse with the passing hours.

There’s no right or wrong way to feel about the whole thing, at least not objectively. We need to take this time and learn what’s best for us so that we could build ourselves up. Insteading of tearing ourselves a new one for reasons outside of our control.

While it’s not all sunshine and roses outside our own four walls (or sometimes even within them). That doesn’t mean that we can’t foster our own growth. In the pre-COVID world, it was hard enough to find the gumption to leap out of our comfort zones. Putting in the exhaustive work that it takes to be our best selves.

With COVID ravaging our world, we are only 10x heavier in spirit. That being the case not only is working on ourselves worthwhile, it is an absolute necessity.


Start here:

A little gift from me to you:




Writing about myself? Well, that’s such a complicated question.