Your Mid Week Refresher for Not Losing It

3 min readSep 9, 2020
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Here’s our refresher: Growing happens overnight. Let’s keep building and growing. Leave reservations here: _____

Experimenting with ideals

Let go of the idea that people are set in stone. We as human beings are capable of re imagining ourselves as many times as we want. Naturally, our ideals are something that we get passed down from our parents. Some of those could be good and others bad, and none of them permanent. In learning and unlearning is enough to steer anyone in the opposite direction of positive change.

The possibility of our own potential scares us. In the deepest parts of ourselves we’ve grown accustomed to the idea that the ideal will never be our reality. We don’t have to get it all right, all at once. The easiest course of action is to start small, really small. Shifting the focus from overnight results to tangible improvements. Even if that means we were only a little better than yesterday, little bits in the right direction add up.

The intimidating factor is one we make up entirely on our own. In our free time we could experiment with the ideal versions of ourselves. Giving the life we want to set ourselves up for through a test drive. Tweaking and adjusting as we see fit. Giving ourselves this power to actively make choices that make us proud.

Building brick by brick the person and life we always wanted. It’s an addicting feeling that reminds us to play an active role in every day. The more we experiment with our ideal selves and our ideal lives, the better we want for ourselves.


Take a deep breath. Have we been practicing our breathing? A few days and suddenly well meaning promises fall to the wayside. Out of everything we may want to get done in a day, breathing exercises top the list on easy things to implement. Try one right now. Close the eyes for a minute and focusing on breathing. If everyone took the time to breath, all those minutes add up to time and patience we have for well, everything else. Our preparedness for the day skyrockets and we got at least one thing under control.

Gaming in Quarantine

Gaming is an unexpected hobby that has taken over our relaxation time and it is such a cool thing to witness. Playing games is a way to unwind and settle into a world with problems that are usually mapped out neatly, ready for us, the hero. There’s a new game or an old favorite to turn to when the world outside our windows feels too much to bear. Hours melt away, and we come out of the experience like we would a good book or movie. Ready to go back, with some new energy in our emotional piggy banks. Playing online in Fortnite isn’t the only reason to pick up your controller.

This isn’t something to be worry about being too uppity with, Mario Kart via online connection with some friends is as valid as playing some Animal Crossing New Horizons.

It’s critical we play something that charms us and not because well, everyone else is playing it.

Bonus points: Gaming has a way of leveling up our sense of community too. Where there are games, there are gamers. Solo quarantine could benefit from this little upgrade.





Writing about myself? Well, that’s such a complicated question.